Niels Schack is a French-Danish artist. Growing from his constant travels, he has carried his art since he was a child. The insouciance he has kept, and his attention to the details have created the romantic scenes that fill his paintings. Building, framing and painting his canvas, he has used this media as a diary to study the world around him and himself. Even though his work is very intimate it lets room for others to part take, imagine and feel for themselves. From the hot tea you have at breakfast to the smell of a book you love, he invites you to those memories and to travel within your own nostalgia.
A Conversation With a Patient Wall is the story of his past studio stay in Rosemont. He tells the tale of the city that he is a part of (Montreal) and his longing for other places. Questioning the concept of being a part of something or of someone. In search of answers, the brick wall is an escape, a way to reflect the foundation that is hard to build within oneself. The simplest of things are often overlooked and Niels tries to capture these moments of patience by being aware of the conversations that are happening all around us. From a dog running home, to a man missing a step but catching his fall with elegance, to a sunflower that looks like it's saying “hello,” the city is filled by these exchanges and are the main inspiration for all of his work.